If you’re an online instructor who’s looking for online teaching job openings, you may find searching for jobs to be a daunting task. Just google “online teaching job.” We did and got 103,000,000 results.
Good luck sorting through that humongous pile of data! Even trying to search job boards like Monster.com can be frustrating because it’s hard to narrow your search to 100% online opportunities.
But don’t despair! There are plenty of employment sites out there that are virtual-job friendly, and some even specifically cater to online instructors!
To save you time and help you on your search, the editors at GetEducated.com have compiled this list of the 7 best sites that advertise online adjunct faculty positions and online teaching job openings. We’ve also included handy tips that we’ve learned over the years for how to search smarter to find those coveted work-from-home gigs.
Good luck! We’ve helped thousands of online teachers get hired over the last 13 years.
Let us know if you end up being one of them and before you go, take a look at our advanced degrees and courses for educators!
7 Best Sites for Online Teaching Job Openings
Higher Education Websites
1. HigherEdJobs
HigherEdJobs boasts more than 21,000 job postings, making it the go-to career resource for higher education professionals across the country. With close to 200 online-only teaching gigs, HigherEd is also one of the largest job bank resources for online instructors.
Choose “Online/Remote” to see only postings for online teaching jobs and adjunct faculty positions, or choose “Advanced Search” for more options.

The Advanced Search is useful if you want to narrow the results for online positions by subject area, full time vs. part time, or type of college. Just make sure to deselect “Location Bound” and select “Online/Remote” under the Location Type section.

2. Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed lists higher education, college-level teaching jobs primarily at brick and mortar institutions. But the site also features a significant number of online positions.
Click on Advanced Search and select “Online/Remote” under Job Type to see these offerings.

Inside Higher Ed’s job database is updated frequently, so check back often. Better yet, create a job alert while you are on the site and have new online teaching job openings emailed to the moment they are posted.
3. The Chronicle of Higher Education
While the Chronicle has a sizeable higher education job database (close to 5,000 openings), be prepared to spend time digging, sorting, and digging some more if your goal is to find telecommuting or online learning positions.
The Chronicle, oddly enough, offers no simple way to narrow a career or job search to “remote” or “online only” jobs. The Chronicle was founded in 1966 and still operates a hefty paper subscription model. The lack of a “remote” or “online learning” job qualifiers reflects a time not-so-long-ago when higher education gigs where all desk jobs, located deep inside the Ivory Tower.
You can, however, narrow your search to openings at community colleges where the need for adjuncts and part-time instructors is often greater.

Try searching on common phrases that show up in job postings like “online adjunct,” “virtual campus,” “online teaching” or “teaching online.” Using quotes in your search will return only results that include those specific phrases in the job description.
Job Search Engines
4. Indeed.com, SimplyHired.com
http://www.indeed.com/, http://www.simplyhired.com/
Giant job compilation sites, such as Indeed and Simply Hired, which list openings across the USA in all careers, represent another great place to stop and shop for elearning jobs.
Be forewarned though — searching these mega sites require both search-savvy and patience.
One trick that worked for us: Try searching using quotes in your search string to find specific phrases, such as “online teaching” or “online adjunct.” Indeed is especially helpful because it recognizes “Remote” as a possible location, so use that to narrow results to 100% online positions.

Heads Up: If you’re interested in teaching elementary, secondary, or high school classes online, then Indeed.com should be your first stop. They boasts the most open positions for K-12 online education than any other resources our editors reviewed for the freelance job search series.
Big Online University Websites
5. Jobs and Careers Pages of Online Universities
The really big online universities like Kaplan, ITT Tech, American Public University, and the University of Phoenix always have open positions, whether it’s for part-time online adjunct faculty positions, full-time online faculty, instructional design gurus, graders or course mentors.
Searching the “Careers” section of large online school websites is a good idea, as well as a useful way to find out what the minimum requirements and payment schedules are for online faculty.
For a compilation of some of the best online universities to check regularly for online teaching jobs, check out About’s WorkAtHomeMoms website on telecommuting jobs. There you’ll find a solid list of schools to troll for online teaching and tutoring gigs that allow working moms – and working dads! – to land that work-at-home gig. Since the work-at-home sector is chock full of scams, we found it helpful to have an About guide narrow our search for us.
You can also find schools who might be hiring online instructors right here on GetEducated. Over the years we’ve heard from a number of resourceful job-hunters who use the GetEducated.com online degree directory to find schools that offer online degrees in the subject areas they want to teach. Then they target those universities in their online job search. We think that’s a pretty clever and creative way to target your online teaching freelance job search.
Example: If you teach psychology, search for an Online Psychology Degree on our site. You’ll get a list of 201 online psychology degree programs from a variety of schools. You may be surprised by the depth and breadth of public and non-profit schools that use online teaching and course design staff. Broaden your search this way and you may also find a state college right down the road that’s looking to hire online instructors!
Online Teaching Job Boards
6. Adjunct Professor Online*
While it may not be the snazziest website in terms of visual design, Adjunct Professor Online pulls new jobs postings into one large running RSS feed. The RSS feed is updated real-time as soon as the site learns of new online adjunct faculty positions.
To narrow the results by subject area, look under the Navigation box in the right-hand column. Scroll down to find the appropriate subject category under Latest Adjunct Job Postings. Also in the right-hand column is a link to the searchable version of the job board. This is particularly useful because not all of the jobs posted on this site are online positions, so you can use “online teaching” and related keywords to narrow down your results.
*UPDATE: This website no longer exists.
And last but not least…
7. Get Educated Job Boards
Don’t have the time to orchestrate complex online job searches? Let us, the online education experts at GetEducated.com, do the heavy lifting for you! We’ve received many a happy email from job hunters and university recruiters alike over the last 13 years – yep! 13 years – on the success they’ve had connecting with top talent and teaching opportunities through our free job boards for elearning professionals.
The Get Educated Online Teaching Jobs and Instructor Positions section lists about 50-70 open faculty positions in a variety of subjects, all from within the last couple of weeks.
This list is updated twice weekly. Our editors actively harvest jobs from around the web as well as post new positions sent in by university HR reps and headhunters. You’ll get sneak peeks of available new listings, often before these jobs are posted on other paid commercial boards!
The Get Educated job board features positions related only to online education. Postings state when state residency or in-person work is required. Unlike other sites, Get Educated posts a brief description of the job, as well as the minimum requirements so you can easily review if you might qualify for the position before drilling deeper.
If you are searching for work in a special area – such as teaching Christian education online or designing courses for special education populations – create a free ad for yourself to run on the Available Online Teacher and Instructor Listings. Higher ed recruiters scan these listings for qualified professionals when they have new or pressing online teaching job openings to fill.
To advertise yourself, write up a brief description of your qualifications (up to 75 words), specify your area of teaching, and include your contact information. If you’ve got a LinkedIn profile with an online resume, make sure to include that link too! E-mail your job description to admin (at) geteducated.com and we’ll get your free ad up and out to the hiring pros.
Got a tip for searching for online teaching positions or a favorite site? Help your fellow teachers get educated. Twitter your tips to @GetEducated or Facebook us an idea.
Shout-Out – Many thanks to Kayleigh Gilbert at GetEducated.com for her research and insightful tips on the best job board sites. Thanks also to online writing instructor Lynda C. Lambert who helped with research and insights for this piece after coming to the GetEducated site for her online instructor job search.
Danielle Winkler graduated from the University of Vermont Business School with a concentration in marketing and a minor in Spanish. She also speaks Portuguese and hopes to someday do marketing work for a company that does business in Latin America.