Minnetonka, MN

School Details

Adler Graduate School is a well-respected graduate institution, training and educating mental health practitioners in specific and holistic practice.  AGS seeks to educate in health and human services, molding students who share in the mindset of social interest above self interest.  Programs include master’s degrees, accredited certification, and post-master’s licensure options.

Coursework is tailored for working adults, and is offered not only in night and weekend classes, but online classes as well.  Online courses may, however, also require you to meet with other students in-person to complete projects.  Faculty is equipped with real-world experience, balancing teaching between their own private practices.

Why is Adler Right For Me?

  • Coursework is extremely specific, geared toward Alderian Theory.
  • You must be self-motivated, organized and on time.
  • Online courses require rigorous attention to postings, readings, materials and collaborative planning.

Accreditation & Licensing

Adler Graduate School is accredited by:

Higher Learning Commission (HLC)

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All Programs

Psychology & Human Services

Master of Arts in Counseling / Co-Occurring Disorders & Addiction Counseling