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Online General Healthcare Graduate Certificate Programs

Online general healthcare degree grads may work in hospital settings like thisAn online general healthcare degree can set many careers in healthcare in motion, making you a part of one of the most important industries on the planet. Even if you don’t work directly with patients, you’ll spend your days helping to improve health and wellness, and you’ll also work in a steady, well-paying field. But to have a career in this rewarding industry, you need the right education. And that means selecting the right healthcare degree. These applied science majors are more suited to online study than pure science since these fields of study are less theoretical in nature and usually train students for a specific career. Consider your end goal when choosing a degree. If your goal is to become a doctor, an associate of science in medicine is an excellent first step to ensure that you love medicine and put you on the correct path. General healthcare degrees can either prepare you to work in an entry-level job or for your next education step, so ensure you have an idea of where you want to end up before you enroll in a general healthcare degree program.


With a degree in the general healthcare field, you are taking the first step needed to enter into a wide range of careers. Obviously much will depend on your specific education, but you can go into virtually limitless careers including registered nurse, physician assistant, medical assistant, surgeon, genetics counselor, cardiologist, medical assistant, and more. These degrees prepare you for a variety of entry-level positions, and will allow you to build on your experience with additional education to work up to your desired position in the healthcare field. You can work directly with patients, or you can work in a support role.

One of the top advantages to this career field is that you get to help people every single day. That can be enough to keep you inspired through a long career in the healthcare field. The pay for many healthcare careers is excellent, but one of the top advantages to this career field is the massive potential for growth.

  • Registered Nurse: 15%
  • Physician: 13%
  • Physician Assistant: 37%
  • Nurse Practitioner: 36%
  • Physical Therapist: 28%
  • Registered Nurse Salary: $70,000


Healthcare is a noble, highly respected field, but it’s not easy and it’s not for the faint of heart. You need a wide variety of attributes to excel in these professions, but most important is a genuine compassion for people in need. As a healthcare professional, you’ll have to work with people in pain, people who are sick, and people who are struggling with their health. It can be frustrating, but a deep compassion will help get you through. You also need patience, as the healthcare process rarely has fast, immediate results. Healing from injury and sickness usually takes weeks, months, or even years, so patience will be important throughout your career.


When searching for a healthcare degree, there are many aspects of the program that you should research. Start by looking over the classes to make sure they will align with your future goals. If you want to become a physician, for example, be sure that the classes will transition into the next stage of a physician’s education. If you want to become a registered nurse, you’ll need to look for a program that transitions into this career. The next point to research is whether the class is offered completely online, or if there will be in-person requirements. This can obviously impact your access to the class, as well as its fit for your general schedule. Finally, you need to investigate whether the program is properly accredited and will qualify you for testing under your specific field. Registered nurse programs, for example, need to be accredited with the top nursing organization and allow you to certify as an RN.


An online healthcare degree can set you on many different career paths in the industry. Speak with an admissions counselor to ensure that your chosen degree aligns with your career goals Click on a program below to find more information on tuition, accreditation, and admission requirements.

Found 47 Accredited Online Healthcare Graduate Certificate Degree Programs