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Accredited Online Doctorate Degrees

Student who is enrolled in an online doctoral programGetting to the top of your field often involves leveling up your credentials. So, enrolling in one of the best online doctorate programs is a great way to ensure you have the top qualifications in your chosen industry. With the expansion of online degrees, it’s now possible to pursue your PhD, Professional Doctorate, EdD, or DBA primarily online. People with a doctorate earned a median wage 25% higher than those with a master’s degree. Enrolling in one of the best online doctoral programs is an investment in not only your knowledge but also your financial future. An inexpensive yet reputable online doctoral program can give you the benefits of the degree without draining your bank account.

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What Are the Best Online Doctorate Programs?

It’s now exceptionally convenient to get your doctoral degree online, especially for students who want to continue to work while they pursue a terminal—or highest-level—degree. Many subjects lend themselves well to studying online, some with occasional trips to campus for intensives, but many that are 100% online. Some popular degrees from the best online doctorate schools include:

PhDs can be in a wide range of subjects, from history or social work to sciences and arts, and are generally more focused on research and academic study. However, many PhDs find gainful careers in business, government, and nonprofit settings. Many doctorates include the subject of study in the title of the degree, including DMA (Doctor of Musical Arts) (DMA), Doctor of Engineering (DEng), and Doctor of Library Science (DLS). Overall, the most popular subjects for doctoral students are health professions, law, education, and engineering. Additionally, many students seek biological and physical sciences, psychology, business, and social science doctorates.

Professional doctorates focus on practical skills for careers in fields such as healthcare, law, music, computer science, and leadership. Whether your program is considered a professional degree or a research doctorate depends both on the field and the program. Many subjects have programs aimed either toward research and academia or professional practice, letting you choose which type will be the best online PhD program for your career goals.

Here are some of the best online doctoral programs to consider:

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Is an Online Doctorate Worth It?

Increasingly, working professionals are choosing to get their graduate degrees from one of the best online doctoral programs for the convenience, the wide choice of schools and programs, and the manageable costs. Most online doctorate programs are designed for working professionals, with flexible scheduling, expert faculty, and experienced peer students. Because you aren’t limited to universities near you, you can find a program perfectly tailored to your interests, your level of work or academic experience, and your career goals. In addition, the costs for an online degree are often lower not only because you don’t have commuting or moving costs but also because tuition is usually charged at the in-state rate, no matter where you reside. Plus, tuition for online doctoral programs is generally lower on average than in-person classes, just as it is for undergraduate degrees.

Choosing an affordable—yet high-quality—online doctoral program makes it an incredibly sound investment. With the higher salary once you get your degree, if you pick one of GetEducated’s Best Buy programs, you can more quickly realize the financial gains of your doctorate. We mine the data to find the total cost and list the programs with inexpensive tuition and respected educational programs to help you find an affordable program for your area of interest.

The reputation and quality of the program you attend matter, and you will find many high-quality online doctoral programs. Therefore, as you search for the best online PhD for you, ensure that the institution you attend is accredited. Reputable universities have accreditation from one of the institutional accrediting agencies, and your program may also have programmatic—or subject—accreditation. For instance, if you are getting a doctorate in business, your program may hold accreditation from the AACSB or the ACBSP, two organizations that look at the quality and rigor of business graduate programs.

Many universities offer online graduate degrees taught by the same faculty as their on-campus programs. However, the best online doctorate schools may go even further, offering new or more specialized programs in an online format. This brings together students from across the country and around the world who have an interest in a specific aspect or concentration.

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How Do the Best Online Doctoral Programs Work?

Depending on your schedule and program, your doctorate could take as long as eight or more years to complete. That being said, most take 3 to 7 years. Many of the best online PhD programs provide coursework asynchronously. In other words, you can access lectures and discussion forums on your own schedule. With some programs, short on-campus intensives can help you access specialized facilities, deepen your learning, or expand your network. Meanwhile, the advances in online learning mean that you often have easy digital access to your professors and peers. This provides chances to ask questions, collaborate on projects, and check in frequently. Once enrolled, you’ll take required and elective courses as you advance toward a capstone project or dissertation. During that time, you’ll work with a faculty advisor to shape your project and stay on track. The process is the same as to an on-campus PhD.

To apply for admission, you will likely need a master’s degree and sometimes related professional experience. Conversely, some programs accept students with a bachelor’s degree to advance through the master’s and PhD in the same program. Applications usually require transcripts, a personal statement, a resume or CV, letters of recommendation, and GRE or GMAT scores.The best online doctorate programs make you eligible for financial aid and will have an office to help you sort out the requirements for scholarships, grants, and loans and set up payment options for your situation.

Start Your Degree Today!

It’s hard to pass up the convenience and quality you can find in one of the best online doctoral programs. To advance your career and earn a higher salary, getting your doctorate online is a great way to go. As you consider your career objectives, look at your options for convenient online programs to give you the expertise that will take you to the highest levels in your chosen industry!

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