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Survey of Community College Students Reveal 61% Have Taken Online Courses


The Pearson Foundation undertook a survey of 1,434 community college students ages 18-59 between September 27 and November 4, 2010. The foundation hoped to identify the factors that are both blocking student success and contributing to their success at the community college level.

Community College Students Taking Online Courses

Survey Results:

61% of students reported taking online courses

Students who are highest risk for dropping out – those working full-time, older, married, and/or with children – were the most likely to turn to online courses as a way to balance time constraints

20% of students reported difficulty scheduling needed classes in Fall 2010

32% could not enroll because class sessions were overbooked and closed

15% reported dropping out or wanting to drop out the first semester due to conflict balancing work and family with education

Students enrolled in remedial courses were more likely to drop courses (22 percent vs. 14 percent)

20% of students struggling with coursework reported they could not get help while 25% who struggled did not seek help

75% of all students reported using online learning tools or platforms to complete quizzes, homework and assignments, even if the course they were taking was not itself offered as on online course

A summary of the “Pearson Foundation Community College Survey” administered by Harris Interactive, is available free for download at the Pearson Foundation’s website.


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