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$30k or $60k AACSB Online MBA?

Hi! I’ve been consuming material regarding online MBAs, accreditation, ranking, reviews, etc., for the past 5-6 months, and I believe my vision has regressed by .5. I am ready to pursue an online MBA and have applied and been accepted to: Northeastern University, University of Scranton, Manchester Business School (UK),University of San Diego, and Rochester Institute of Technology’s EMBA. All the programs listed are AACSB, respectively ranked, so that’s good. However, within the online format, what distinguishes one AACSB program from another? I know it’s up to me to utilize the skills learned in the program to drive my success; but I’m having a hard time deciding if I should pay $30k for say, University of Scranton (AACSB, ranked regionally, solid reputation) or $62k for Northeastern University (AACSB, ranked nationally, solid reputation). What would you recommend if my employer only contributes $375 per credit and the rest are federal loans? Also, I have worked professionally (7+ years) within the IT field and am looking for a career change; does school reputation/brand weigh heavily? I have read many threads/forums/websites that convey different messages. Some say it wouldn’t necessarily matter if you have work experience, which I do. However, others say if you’re interested in a career change, MBA brand plays a bigger role and you should always try to get into the best MBA program you can – rather be part of a select few than the masses. I’d appreciate any suggestions or advice.

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