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Healthcare MBA or General MBA?

Hi there, I’ve been researching my options on pursuing a MBA to further advance my career. I’m a project manager for a biotech company in the northeast and have been in the pharma field since graduating college (8+ years). I’d also like to note that I will receive approximately $5250 a year in tuition assistance from my employer so cost is a factor as well. I would appreciate any feedback on these 2 questions that will help me in my decision: 1) I’m debating between obtaining a general management degree vs a concentration in healthcare management. I do plan on remaining in my field so I’m not concerned about limiting myself to a specialization area, however unsure if there’s any added benefit. 2) Is there any feedback on MBA Healthcare program for the U. of Scranton and UMass MBA program? Both their costs are an attractive program option compared to Northeastern, which I was also considering (though I decided that an extra 30k was not worth it!). Many thanks for any thoughts. If there are any other universities worth considering, I’m all ears as well.

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