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Math Disability Waiver in College

We are writing to inquire if you know of any online programs that allows a person to obtain a bachelor’s degree with little to no math.

Our son is currently at a community college and he has taken all the classes he can (history, science, English) toward his associate’s degree. The only classes he has left to complete are math. At a young age, he was diagnosed as having a learning disability in math.

At the community college, after taking the math placement course and scoring low, he was put into a preparatory class that he had to pass just to be able to move on to an introductory algebra class. It took him three attempts to get through it. After passing that, he moved on to the basic algebra class and he has since failed to pass it twice.

We are looking high and low to see if we can find a program that would allow him to earn a bachelor’s degree with no further math requirement. Our son is a very bright and well-read individual who excels in research, writing, history and literature.

If you have any insight into a program such as what we have outlined above, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer. We look forward to your reply.

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