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Do College Credits Expire?

Hi there, first I want to say how much I have learned reading this forum, however the answer I am looking for has eluded me thus far.

I am 37 and a US citizen, living abroad for the past 5 years with no plans to go back anytime soon. From 1993 to 1996 I attended Temple University in Philadelphia working towards a double degree. I ran out of loans and credit cards when I was 17 credits shy of my BA. I began to work, thinking I would go back when I was able…but life took hold and due to an accident and a subsequent 6 years of epilepsy, I never did.

Now here I am, on the other side of the planet, where a degree means more than anything when job hunting (due to immigration/sponsorship issues) and I need to complete my degree. I was told by someone that since my credits are older than 10 years, I have to do it ALLLL over again!

Can anyone confirm this for me? If it is possible to complete my degree without starting all over, can anyone advise me as to where to start?

Thanks so much, any help is greatly appreciated!!!!

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