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StraighterLine Reviews – Is it Legit?

Hello everyone, I’m often asked by friends and co-workers about the different options there are available for online learning, and I try to give the best advice I can. This past week I got a question about “StraigherLine” an online service that provides a number of courses to students for a (relatively) small fee. This isn’t a degree-granting institution by itself, but students who pass their courses can then transfer their credits to a regionally accredited university (ex. Thomas Edison State College, Western Governors University, Fort Hays State University, etc.). After doing some research, it seems pretty straightforward, and a low-cost way for many students to get a jump on their education. Has anyone taken courses through this service? Pros/Cons, anyone?

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Kayleigh Gilbert

We’ve had some emails about StraighterLine come in to GetEducated in the past few weeks. Most of the responses above are pretty old, so we’ve decided to provide a quick update. StraighterLine was one of the first providers of online college equivalent courses but is not an actual college meaning credit transfer was tougher and some questioned the company’s reputability. Today, StraighterLine has been through the ACE Credit recommendation process 9 times, and now has over 120 colleges with whom they have guaranteed credit transfer pathways (many of whom are household names and recommended by us). Their course selection has grown… Read more » is a consumer group that publishes online college rankings and online university ratings along the dimensions that matter most to online students themselves: affordability and credibility. Our mission:

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