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Walden University Reputation with Employers

I’m very frustrated and stuck and would appreciate some advice and feedback.

I graduated with my Ph.D. in general psychology from Walden University recently and have applied to numerous online schools for all positions I meet the qualifications for and haven’t gotten so much as a nibble. This goes for the brick and morter university face to face jobs as well.

I know the job market is highly competitive and that it takes time to find a job. I have been teaching at a community college in my town for the past 4 years and have some really good experience doing forensic work as well.

However, I do not have any publications and I am wondering if this is holding me back. I have tried contacting heads of the departments directly to send them my vita, letter of interest, and letter of recommendation from the Chair of the department where I teach and of course also apply to the job postings. And nothing….

What am I doing wrong or how can I improve?

I am working on publishing but it will take some time.

I am also worried that the brick and morter schools won’t want to hire me becuase my degree was earned online. However, my undergraduate and master’s were earned in the traditional classroom setting.

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