Let’s say a distinct love of working through tremendous amounts of video games throughout your life leads to dreams of working in the video game industry. The opportunity to become a video game tester awaits many and can be the best option to springboard into full-blown industry careers. This article will communicate a few pointers as to how to become a successful candidate in a competitive marketplace. Read on to find out more about how to become a video game tester, the best way to enter a career in video game testing, and how to find a lucrative video game tester job!
Article Navigation: Steps to Be a Video Game Tester | Skills | Education & Certificates | Technical Training | Gain Experience | Build a Resume | Career Overview | Conclusion
How to Become a Video Game Tester: Step-by-Step
Develop Testing Skills
The first step to become a videogame tester is building your testing skills. You should be familiar with the different testing techniques, such as functional, usability, compatibility, and performance testing. Make sure that you have strong analytical abilities and problem-solving capacity. You will also benefit from an aptitude for focusing on details. To practice these strategies, you should try out already existing games. After which, report any bugs or issues back to their developers to further practice your game testing abilities.
Obtain Video Game Education & Certification
There is no specific video game tester degree. Nor is there a degree required to become a videogame tester. Additionally, there aren’t exact video game tester education requirements. However, having some form of certification or qualification in design, programming, and quality assurance can give you an edge over the competition. Such knowledge will grant game testers access to technical expertise. This expertise will prove invaluable when you are testing new releases.
Get Technical Training
In addition to formal education, it is imperative you obtain technical instruction. Knowing about software testing and coding languages will allow you to identify issues and flaws within games. To obtain this video game tester education, one can pursue courses. Another option is to read up on related topics such as C++, Java Scripting Languages, or Python Programming.
Game Experience
If you want to be a videogame tester, then it is important that you know how to play on many platforms and devices. The knowledge gained from playing a diverse set of games on a variety of gaming systems will help you understand gaming mechanics. Additionally, it will be easier for you to unearth bugs.
Build a Strong Resume
When applying for video game tester jobs, you should make your resume stand out. Do so by highlighting your specialized testing skills, relevant education, technical training, as well as your prior game experience that directly applies to the video game tester job description. You should include awards you have earned related to video games. You should also include any applicable video game tester certification. Additionally, a thoughtful cover letter can make all the difference in the world when it comes to getting an interview for a video game tester role.
Step 1 – Develop Video Game Testing Skills
There are many basic skills and abilities needed for a career as a video game tester. One of the most important attributes is previous experience with video games. Having a broad knowledge of top genres, understanding what makes a good game, and grasping the essentials of gameplay are a few initial reasons one might enter the game industry in the first place. Critical thinking skills, good communication skills, technical writing ability, and game-playing experience are all applicable to jobs as a tester. There can be strong competition for QA jobs in the game industry, so developing these skills is crucial to standing out from the pack.
Skills & Abilities
Writing & Communication
Strong writing and communication skills are essential for video game testers. The ability to write in a clear, brief, and effective manner is critical when reporting glitches and how they were found. Clear writing and communication will give developers a direct path to addressing an issue and creating a fix.
All video game testers must have a firm understanding of basic troubleshooting. While solving specific problems with the game is not the goal, testers have to recreate, often dozens of times, the specific sequence that led to a glitch. Finding a bug can be simple, but recreating the steps to reproduce the result can be a challenge.
Ability to Play on Multiple Platforms & System
Broad knowledge of video games and different genres can be a great asset. Testers could be limited in only knowing how to play shooter games, for instance, and will be limited in the companies and products they can work on. Having skills in many different types of games, and on multiple platforms—from game consoles to mobile—provides more opportunities in this field.
While most of the work testing games is looking for technical or programming errors, game testers may be asked to evaluate the storyline of the game for consistency, so a strong understanding of narrative structures and the ability to remember story details will also help on the job.
Personal Qualities
Detail Oriented
A high-quality video game tester will have a strong knack for details. Gaming proficiency is required, but testers take it even further by spotting glitches so small the average player would never notice them. A game tester will have to spot these details and point them out to the developer.
A tolerance for repetition. Game testers may have to play a level over and over again, attempting to perform every possible task or interact with every computer-based character, walking through all the possible actions to make sure they function properly.
Work Ethic
A good video game tester will be a team player and have a strong work ethic. The ability to meet deadlines and work independently will also contribute to a long video game tester career.
Step 2 – Video Game Education & Certification
There are numerous paths to take to increase the chances of landing a job as a video game tester. Game testers are generally educated in either game design or possess degrees related to video graphics, computer science, and other software- and programming-related fields.
Each of these programs covers how programs and coding come together to implement video games, websites, and online apps. Curriculums focus on how programs behave the way they do, and how applications are designed from the ground up. This is highly technical education, but it may also involve theoretical and artistic concepts such as color composition, image balance, texture, or user behavior.
Possible degrees for video game testers include:
- Game Design
- Software Quality Assurance
- Computer Programming
- Software Testing
- Computer Science
- Software Development
- Graphic Communication
- Software Design
- Software Engineering
Almost any Computer Science degree will provide the training appropriate to qualify for a game testing position and could provide access to concentrations directly applicable to the industry.
Common Degrees for Video Game Professionals
Game Design
Learning game design will provide students with the tools they require to be a videogame tester. Those who specialize in this field can follow many various video game career paths. They can become designers, programmers, level designers, artists, producers, or project managers. Game design students gain knowledge and skills through engaging courses. These courses give them hands-on experience designing games of their own and building portfolios.
Video game testers can benefit from understanding the principles of game design. Gaining an insight into how developers create their video games will enable game testers to easily identify issues. Once an issue is identified, then the tester communicates this to the developer. Thus, resulting in a faster resolution process for bug fixes and other necessary changes.
If you’re looking to get a degree in Game Design, then consider enrolling in Full Sail University‘s online Bachelor of Science Degree in Game Design. Students will learn how to develop their concepts, prototype games, and design effective user interfaces. They will also learn how to introduce key business components. These include topics such as marketing, monetization, and project management steps for their games.
GetEducated's Picks
- Fisher College Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Game Development
- Arkansas State University Bachelor of Science in Digital Technology & Design / Game Design
Software Quality Assurance
Video game testers with Software Quality Assurance training are in high demand. They can develop and implement reliable test plans. They also detect errors, as well as use automated testing tools to make the procedure more efficient. With their SQA skills, they can also check on how entertaining and satisfying a video game is for its intended target users. Thus, improving the overall quality of the game.
Video game testers can benefit greatly from having SQA skills. These abilities help them identify and record any problems or bugs in the code. This guarantees the finished product is stable and functions correctly every time. Additionally, they can construct detailed test plans which cover a variety of aspects. This includes gameplay mechanics, graphics quality, sound design as well as user-interface options. This will reduce potential issues once the game has been released to the market.
Students who want to earn a Software Quality Assurance degree will study various techniques, tools, and methodologies. These ensure software products meet the required quality standards. SQA students attend classes that teach software testing techniques such as functional, regression, load, and performance analysis. They also attend test management systems classes.
Software Testing
Comprehension of software assessing stratagems hands students the instruments they require for designing and evaluating trials. A Software Testing study course is a chance for those who want to learn how to become a video game tester to further their game-analyzing aptitudes. Additionally, it will grant them deeper glimpses into how flawed programs operate. This will then guarantee they can have an easier time filing bug reports.
Video game testers can benefit from software testing skills. These abilities allow them to identify and communicate any issues found in the game. Doing so improves the game’s stability before it is released. Additionally, software testing skills will enable game testers to design and execute test plans that cover aspects of the game. Software testing looks at such aspects of the game as the gameplay, graphics, sound, and user interface. This ensures the game is thoroughly tested. Therefore, it reduces the likelihood of any bugs slipping through to the final version of the game.
At Austin Community College, the Software Testing degree is part of a comprehensive Associate’s degree. Students can learn about the various types of tests used in the industry. These include tests such as functional, regression, performance, and security testing. Additionally, they learn about user acceptance testing. With this course, they gain the knowledge required to enter into exciting positions in software development or quality assurance concentrations.
Software Development
Software development students learn how to program and apply coding languages. They also learn software engineering design patterns, as well as data structures and algorithms. All of these are necessary for helping you maintain your code through frameworks tailored by various tools, and allowing your applications to come into being.
To become a game tester who possesses software development knowledge and skills is highly valued in the game testing industry. Their understanding of coding will allow them to find and report bugs more efficiently. Additionally, they can create automated test scripts that will help them save more time during their work processes. Having abilities such as this will aid them in improving the overall effectiveness of their tests.
Grand Canyon University offers a Software Development degree for any student with an acceptable high school or college transcript. Students in this program will take class like Indro to Web Development, Computer Programming, and Programming in C++.
GetEducated's Picks
- Grand Canyon University Bachelor of Science in Software Development
- Arkansas State University Bachelor of Science in Digital Technology & Design / Mobile App Development
Software Design
Gamers who decide to join the game testing industry benefit from software design skills. These skills help video game testers identify and report errors before the games hit the store shelves. Taking a Software Design course gives students advanced insight into architecture, structure, and other aspects of game development. This knowledge will help them provide feedback on potential flaws. This feedback benefits both the developers and others involved with the release process.
Although having a degree in Software Design is not one of the strict game tester requirements, it makes it easier for game testers to work alongside developers or designers. This is especially true when they’re providing feedback on the user experience, performance, and general aesthetics of the games. Ultimately, these benefits will help make games well-balanced for everyone to play and enjoy.
Software Engineering
Video game tester requirements include the ability to understand the entire software development process. This will help them to identify and report bugs effectively within video games. Acquiring a Software Engineering course can help students gain an understanding of that critical aspect alongside developing practical skill sets. Both of which will make them work much more efficiently within the gaming industry. After developing such skills, they will be able to make a great impact as game testers.
Software engineering skills will provide numerous benefits to video game testers. By understanding the full software development process, they are more able to better collaborate with developers and other parties involved in creating a game. Additionally, their knowledge allows them to review code for quality and maintainability. They will also gain the skills to judge design choices regarding gameplay features.
GetEducated's Picks
- Fisher College Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Software Engineering
- Arizona State University Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Computer Programming
For those interested in how to become a video game tester, acquiring programming skills can be beneficial. A computer programming degree ensures you understand code and software development practices. This in turn will help you to identify and report bugs more efficiently. Additionally, this will make reading and analyzing the codes in video games significantly easier for video gamer testers.
The advantages of having programming skills for video game testers are plentiful. Knowing how to read and examine code gives them a better understanding of the games they’re testing. Therefore, it makes it easier to pinpoint any defects accurately. Additionally, using coding knowledge will allow them to construct automated tests which can save time when completing evaluation tasks. Consequently, learning such technical skills is incredibly advantageous in this profession.
Computer Science
The video game industry is highly reliant on computer science skills for successful game testing. With a background in Computer Science, game testers can equip themselves with knowledge of the fundamentals that drive games – algorithms, and technology. This understanding will give testers an edge when it comes to finding errors and suggesting improvements. Studying this topic will provide practical abilities beneficial to all roles within the scope of gaming development.
GetEducated's Picks
- Concordia University, St. Paul Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- East Central University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Graphic Communication
Game testers must have strong graphic communication skills to spot and report visual bugs such as texture issues, lighting problems, and graphical glitches. A Graphic Communication course will help them become fully versed in design principles. It will also give them the practical knowledge they need. This includes skills like image editing techniques and layout design.
Video game testers can reap considerable benefits from developing their graphic communication skills. Identifying and reporting visual bugs is a major component of the testing process. Additionally, it enables clearer communication between video game testers and artists or designers about any issue that might arise during development. Video game testers additionally provide feedback on the overall visuals of the game they are testing.
What Education is Best for Entry Level Video Game Professionals?
If you’re just starting out, the best video game tester degree is an Associate of Applied Science in Game Design. It teaches you the foundation and nuances of video game production. You will learn how to take a video game from design to programming as well as modeling to animation. Additionally, you learn project management of the game development process. This degree will equip you for success. It will be your gateway into an exciting career in the gaming industry.
With this program, you will learn programming languages such as C++, Java, and Python. These are necessary to develop games on multiple platforms. The AAS also covers 3D modeling and animation. You will learn the game engine knowledge you need if you want to be a videogame tester.
Achieving an Associate of Applied Science in Game Design degree is a great choice. It is especially so for those who want to immerse themselves in the gaming industry by cultivating their skills and gaining useful knowledge. This program consists of hands-on projects. These projects allow students to develop practical know-how. This practical know-how prepares them for a video game tester career.
GetEducated's Picks
- Purdue Global Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology / Game Development
- Academy of Art University Associate of Applied Science in Game Development
What Education is Best for Mid-Career Game Professionals?
If you want to learn how to be a video game tester, then a bachelor’s degree in computer science is the way forward. A computer science degree provides a foundation in coding and programming. Both of which are fundamental elements of effective video game design. With a strong technical foundation like this one, video game testers can help developers write clean code which speeds up development time.
Completing a degree in computer science offers multiple advantages for those wanting to become a game tester. Students learn coding and software engineering fundamentals. These two areas are indispensable when you’re considering a game tester career path. Furthermore, knowing concepts about design patterns, data compositions, and algorithms is beneficial. Not to mention, knowing optimization procedures will come in handy as well.
Computer Science graduates will be able to find many types of video game jobs. Their skill set covers a broad range of topics. They understand design, artificial intelligence, graphics programming, and networking. This makes them versatile enough to take on different roles within a team. This is essential for success in such an industry that requires collaboration between departments.
GetEducated's Picks
- Concordia University, St. Paul Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- East Central University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Related Education
Because a video game tester is not only responsible for finding problems with a game but also relaying those problems to programmers and developers, it is important to have a well-rounded education that enhances communication skills.
A video game tester benefits from classes related to:
Working as a QA tester while earning a degree is a terrific way to fund higher education and develop the skills needed to fulfill the dream of contributing to teams and organizations building games.
Numerous certificates can benefit video game testers as well. These programs offer a direct education in a specific field and often provide a faster entrance into a new career path.
Game Testing Certificate
Those interested in learning how to become a video game tester can demonstrate their knowledge and skill with a video game tester certification. One of which is the Certified Tester Game Testing (CT-GaMe). This certification showcases an individual’s ability to recognize, report, track and analyze data related to defects. It also shows they can create successful test plans. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board, (ISTQB) offers this certification.
Graphic Design Certificate
A Graphic Design certificate helps individuals develop skills that could open up a range of careers for those interested in learning to become a game tester. This certification program gives students training on designing characters, user interfaces, and environments. It also provides students with an understanding of how graphic elements are optimized across multiple platforms. Obtaining this credential will show employers that you meet all video game tester job requirements. These include the ability to identify any visual flaws as well as provide feedback about any design improvements.
Web Programming Certificate
A Web Programming certificate teaches students how to create and maintain web applications. Students also learn the fundamentals of programming. This certification is perfect for individuals who are interested in pursuing a game tester career path. It will highlight your technical skills related to detecting defects embedded in online gaming products. Wayne Community College, Bladen Community College, and Kentucky Community and Technical College System all offer certificates in web programming.
Game Design Certificate
A Game Design Certificate helps students refine the skills needed to make entertaining, captivating gameplay experiences for players. It teaches how to craft engaging game mechanics, plots, and characters. This is valuable knowledge that can be applied when seeking jobs as testers of gaming products. You will be able to learn what it takes to spot potential flaws or concerns with this unique program.
Step 3 – Technical Training
In order to attain technical instruction in video game assessment, there are multiple paths that can be pursued. One approach is to pursue a video game tester degree that encompasses topics such as gaming creation and software scrutiny. A degree is one of the most effective means of getting started. Degree programs typically include studying programming languages and project organization. Additionally, universities have resources available if you have any questions about how to become a video game tester.
As an alternative, one may obtain technical game tester requirements via digital courses and tutorials. In these, you learn about software diagnostics, video game production, and programming capabilities. These qualities will be of great aid when you are applying to be a videogame tester. Additionally, many websites offer a platform where your learned techniques or portfolios can be showcased. This will increase prospective employers’ receptivity towards offering you employment.
Both conventional education and digital lessons afford beneficial competencies. However, on-the-job training with video gaming or software businesses can provide the best video game tester education. Throughout this approach, you learn how software is developed. You also learn how to make sure the code is of high quality. On-the-job training is advantageous to those without any previous knowledge of the computer game industry.
Step 4 – Gain Experience
Do you want to gain experience as a video game tester? Start small. Look for opportunities, even if it’s just testing games with friends or family members. If you do, then it will help you become familiarized with the process of game testing. It will also help you identify any issues present in the game. You can also join gaming communities and forums. These can provide chances to test different games and supply helpful comments that developers consider when making improvements.
Gaining experience in game development can also be done through internships or entry-level positions. These give you a hands-on opportunity to test games. They also provide you the change to work with developers, and learn about the industry. Internships help you develop further skills for any future roles. An internship provides insight into not only how successful companies create their products but also the best practices to use within the gaming world itself.
You can also gain expertise through networking. Networking is a vital part of gaining experience as a video game tester. Networking includes participating in gatherings, signing up with organizations pertaining to gaming, and associating yourself with gaming professionals. It will help you become aware of fads. Additionally, it will help you connect with mentors, and even land you future job opportunities.
Step 5 – Build a Strong Resume
Having a well-made resume is essential in the video game testing industry. It is there to give potential employers an introduction to you. A resume can make or break your chances at being interviewed. A good resume will help show off what makes you unique compared to other candidates. Additionally, it will increase your chance for success.
For a video game tester, having a strong resume is necessary. It should highlight how your skills and experience align with the video game tester job description. It should also showcase your software testing and game development skills. It’s important to include any programming languages as well as project management experience you possess. Furthermore, any certifications or special training completed should be included in your resume as well.
When applying for a job, it is essential to tailor your resume to the specifics of that position. Research both the company and role to understand which skills and experiences are most relevant for it. Then customize your resume by highlighting those skills that match what the job description is asking for.
A Career as a Video Game Tester
Types of Video Game Testers
Video game testers work for tech companies to thoroughly examine games to make sure they are free of bugs, glitches, and other errors. They are also known as Beta Testers, or, simply, Game Testers. The professional occupation title is Quality Assurance (QA) Tester. Beta testers, game testers, playtesters, and QA testers all have different roles in the video game development process. Beta/game testing involves locating bugs or issues pre-release. Whereas a playtester focuses on user experience feedback. Last but not least is QA testers, who ensure that everything in the game works properly before the launch day.
What Do Video Game Testers Do?
The job of a video game tester subtly combines playing with breaking. The agent purposefully moves through a video game, examining and working through every level, scouring each menu, and utilizing every different character variation to uncover flaws in the system.
A video game tester is expected to take a wide range of actions in a game to identify small- to large-scale problems. For example, when a player gets trapped in a certain spot, or when a movement graphic doesn’t work properly on a specific character. There are millions of possible bugs, but thanks to video game testers, most games are released nearly flawlessly.
The tasks of a video game tester include using a game in as many ways as possible and reporting their steps and findings to their employers. Testers will try actions and gameplay that developers may not have anticipated to search for programming problems that can be solved before release. These essential and tedious duties can make-or-break those seeking full-time employment as game testers.
Video game testers may have to run through a testability matrix. Matrix testing is a software testing method often used in fighting games like Mortal Kombat, Tekken, or Soul Calibur. Say a fighting game has 20 different characters and 20 different levels. When utilizing the testability matrix, the video game tester would need to play as each character versus each character (including Character 1 vs. Character 1) on all 20 levels. Working through those 8,000 different matchups is just one example of the highly-detailed, often repetitive work video game testers perform.
Video Game Tester Salary
Video game tester salary ranges widely depending on occupation, experience, and location. According to BLS, quality assurance testers earned an average of around $49K yearly while business professionals saw averages closer to $107K annually. Audio workers and artists received about $68K yearly whereas programmers averaged about $85K.
Not all video game tester jobs are salaried positions. Many companies hire temporary game testers or even part-time testers paid by the hour. Most starting game testers are contract workers rather than salaried employees with benefits. Some positions offer very low pay, but these jobs can be a way to get experience in the industry before pursuing a full-blown career.
Salaried, full-time jobs will likely come with benefits such as health insurance, but those who work in temp positions or part-time will likely need to provide their benefits. Because most jobs are contracted, working as a video game tester while studying to complete a degree allows for the possibility of students accessing a school’s group student health plan while honing the skills for more permanent work in the video game industry.
Video Game Testing Jobs
The job outlook for testers is directly tied to the video game industry. As long as people are lining up to buy the latest versions of Fallout, The Last Of Us, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, et cetera, there will be a need for game testers to “break” the prototypes preceding them. The gaming industry is predicted to expand significantly in the years to come. Therefore, the video game tester job outlook is positive. Fortune Business Insights forecasts that its current value in 2021 is $229.16 billion, and it will increase dramatically to a total worth of $545.98 billion by 2028.
Video gaming is no longer a pastime for only the young. Of all video game players in 2022, 36% come from the 18 to 34 age demographic, 48% are coming from the 35 to 64 age demographic, and the last 6% come from those who are 65 years or older. These numbers show that playing games has now become part of most people’s everyday life throughout successive generations. In the United States alone there were 188.9 million people actively participating in this activity as of 2022, with 52% being male and 48% being female.
Considering the rise of mobile apps and downloadable games, the need for video game testers is not expected to drop at any time.
However, competition can be fierce for these positions. Because of the relatively-low educational requirement, there are often many qualified candidates applying for a single opportunity. This makes possession of an applicable degree all the more important, as it presents a chance to separate oneself from the pack.
Where Do Video Game Testers Work?
Working On-Site for Video Game Companies
Most video game QA jobs are in or near the big cities where larger gaming companies are located. More recently, hubs of digital jobs are cropping up in places like Austin, TX, Las Vegas, NM, and smaller cities in Utah, Iowa, and elsewhere. These days, there are opportunities in many different areas of the country.
Some work may be in the offices of game development companies, but temporary jobs can occupy rented space set up for a surge in activity before a new release. Work in video game QA can be cyclical, with large teams needed for short periods.
That said, larger studios have QA departments that offer permanent jobs. For those who have excellent skills and love this challenging, detailed work, video game testing can be a full career. As needs shift over time, employees may move to different areas to continue moving up the ladder as QA testers.
When working on-site for a game company, whether in offices or a temporary set-up, they will provide the gaming consoles and computers needed to get the job done. Often, companies need to test their product on different gaming platforms, including mobile, PC, iOS, or virtual reality consoles, and again, familiarity with different systems can be an asset.
Video Game Testing from Home
The video game industry can be a viable option for those seeking to work from home. While many game testers will work in-house for major companies, remote work is possible in some positions. This means that many testers set their schedules, work independently, and meet specific deadlines.
A game tester’s work area is in front of a television or computer screen. Like most work-from-home professionals, the need for a quiet area is essential, allowing a game tester to give all their attention to the work at hand.
Almost all remote video game testers provide their equipment; purchasing consoles, computers, controllers, and other products to complete the work and earn an income.
A remote game developer’s tip: Set individual milestones, breaking down long-term projects into smaller, manageable segments.
How Old Do You Have To Be To Be A Videogame Tester?
Most gaming development studios only accept applicants that are 18 years or older for testing positions. This is a direct result of legal and contractual obligations. Nonetheless, some minor companies will consider taking on individuals under this age limit. However, they need to receive consent from the parent/guardian.
It is critical to keep in mind that video game evaluation necessitates professionalism, responsibility, and observation skills. It isn’t merely about enjoying games as an amusement activity. By displaying dedication towards your job role completely, you will be able to enhance the odds of gaining the respect of your colleagues in this industry. If you want to learn how to be a video game tester, then developing the skills and gaining knowledge are the first steps!
Perks of Being a Video Game Tester
Interacting with the Latest Games Before the Masses
While technologies seem to be released faster than the speed of light, the testing periods between formulation and release of game software can take years. For those devoted to the game itself who find passion in the involvement of its evolution, this is a satisfying part of the job.
Entry into the Industry
While a video game tester’s job is low on the experience level and pay scale, it can lead to better positions in video game development and design industries. By starting as a QA tester, employees can begin to expand networks, experience the latest developments, and move into higher-paying positions in design or engineering as time goes on.
Flexible Enough to Balance a Degree
Online degree programs in software engineering, game design and development, computer science, and more are offered in part-time formats all over the country and online. When considering the academic route, working a game tester job and being able to balance an online degree is a great perk for the aspiring industry leader.
Related Careers
There is a wide range of jobs related to the field of video game testing. The role of a tester is often used to gain upward mobility into other positions. For example, working as a tester may be the entry needed to work in positions that deal with pre-production, design, marketing, video game art, management, and more.
A job as a video game tester may lead to further opportunities. Here is a list of jobs in the video game industry.
- Lead artist – $57,515
- Audio developer – $61,054
- Animator – $63,341
- Network programmer – $69,941
- Writer – $75,734
- Level designer – $75,906
- Concept artist – $76,730
- Content designer – $78,092
- Lead designer – $81,538
- Art director – $85,240
- Game mechanic designer – $104,779
- User interface programmer – $107,222
- Lead programmer – $109,786
- Quality assurance director – $114,941
- Graphics programmer – $130,425
- Artificial intelligence programmer – $135,000
Ready To Become A Video Game Tester?
With the right education, a knack for detail, and excellent technical and personal skills, entering the video game industry and landing a game testing job can be a rewarding, successful professional experience.